Wednesday, November 12, 2008


...and I don't mean the sandwich.

Today was a great day in my Sanskrit education. In grammar class we started to learn (and by started, I mean *inched* out the *very* beginning of) Paninian grammar, which I like to think of as the world's first computer program, a key to the Sanskrit language. So exciting! To start, fourteen sutras that provide the tools for understanding Paninian code: short strings of letter-syllables, brilliantly arranged by...well, I haven't learned what they're arranged by, but it must be genius, whatever it is. Thus, am completely regretting the fact that I've not studied a particle of computer science.

We started with where and how the sound "a" is pronounced in the mouth, and began to learn two sutras about the strengthening of vowels.

In listening class, we came across the aorist imperative -- another great moment. Starting to think all this Sanskrit has finally begun to permeate my skull!

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